Thursday, August 6, 2009

Date Night!

Ryan surprised me with a wonderful dinner date night. His parents babysat for us while we went to a rooftop bar for drinks, then a restaurant in the vista for a dinner of delish filet's and more drinks, then we went for a few more drinks at a local burger place. We had such a great time spending time together, kind of like how it was before baby....we also realized how much we missed Heath by the time we got home.

I bought Heath's exersaucer today, too. He LOVES it! He is soo fascinated with all of the colors and sounds. I am really excited because he can hang out with us while still learning and developing all of his senses.

Tomorrow, my sister Sheaffer, Heath, and I are heading to Greenville to help "stage" the house for my mom and dad. They are flying in from Bordeaux, France from their vacation and, to much surprise, my dad has no idea that my mom is getting a screened porch put on the back of their house. Sooo, that is what we get to go decorate tomorrow, plus pick up Saluda, the dog, from the boarders, and hopefully cook a 'welcome home' dinner for them! I can't wait to see what the new room looks like!!

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