My "growing" family
We went to the Doctors today where they confirmed my pregnancy and i had an ultra sound to determine the age of the baby and the due date. They think that i am about 4 weeks along, but cant give a due date b.c they want to wait to see the baby first. So They estimated my due date (which is an estimate itself) to be about July 20th. I go for another ultra sound in three LLOONNG weeks. Hopefully everything will go well and i can hear that precious heartbeat!!
One nice thing about having the babies so close together is that i know all of the staff! The ladies went crazy over Heath and his cute little outfit. One of them is a photographer as a side business and offered us a great deal on pictures!! Yay!! I was actually looking online last night for Christmas cards to order, but then i realized that all of our "family pictures" are summery. So hopefully we will get some professional pictures done of our family/Heath's 6 month pics, so we can send out some cute cards :)
Yall have a super day!!
I don't know about you but I am getting so emotional over this pregnancy! Every time I hear about it I get all teary eyed. I need to cut it out!